I Feel That.
You know all those random, funny, and deep talks you've had with your best friends? I FEEL THAT, hosted by Josh Woods, Justin Roque, and Francisco Ibarra, is the podcast that brings those conversations to life. They're just three regular college graduates looking to share a cultured perspective on anything and everything.
I Feel That.
Ep 70: Just Apologize, Fellas!
Homies from College
Why is it so hard to not hit snooze on all of your alarms in the morning? Fellas, how do you answer trick questions from your girl? Can all 3 people in a throuple be truly in love?
Tune in every week with Woodsy, Cisco, and Justin for more conversations just like this. AND... don't forget to tap that subscribe button!
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Instagram: @ifeelthat.podcast
Twitter: @ifeelthat_pod
TikTok: @ifeelthatpodcast